The Future of History

Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Apologies for the radio silence, folks.

November was spent working on a project which I have to keep a bit secret (for reasons which may, or may not, become apparent in due course).  And then there's been the ongoing process of securing the rights to publish various images in Who Killed William Shakespeare?, due out this summer.  That alone could have taken up a few dozen blogposts - each image has had its own weird route towards acquiring the necessary permissions, and sometimes it's been fairly painful.  So a big shout of THANK YOU to the lovely folk at the Universtats- und Landesbibliothek, Darmstadt, and to John Cheal at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.

(Incidentally, thanks to a BBC contact I've received my first objective feedback on the manuscript for Who Killed William Shakespeare? and I'm pretty thrilled about it.)

Anyway, this is really just me tuning in to advertise a blogpost that will be happening next week.  Margaret Skea, a Scottish author friend of mine who writes historical fiction, "tigged" me in a blog hop.  No, I didn't know what one of those was either.  But I'll be answering some questions about the forthcoming publication next week, as well as persuading five other authors to do the same, and we'll all put up links to each other's blogs.  There: that's a blog hop.

For now, allow me to direct you towards Margaret's blog:

And I'll be back very soon, I promise.

May you have an enjoyable, productive and enlightening 2013!

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